AI Chatbots

ZDNet Highlights the Unique Capabilities of Juji's AI Chatbot

In the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its ever-growing importance in transforming our daily lives, Juji, Inc. has emerged as a peculiar standout. ZDNet, one of the leading online tech news sites, recently released a thorough coverage of Juji. Delving deep, their feature focuses on Juji's AI chatbot and its distinctive capabilities.

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Axios Spotlights Juji's Advances in Customer Service Chatbot AI

In her article on Axios, journalist Joann Muller highlights the changing face of customer service chatbots. She underscores that improvements in AI technology have made chatbots more personable and effective in providing assistance.

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Juji's Revolutionary AI Chatbot Builder Featured in the New York Times

We are thrilled to announce that Juji has been featured in a New York Times article titled “'No-Code' Brings the Power of AI to the Masses”. The article by Craig S. Smith explores the rising trend of no-code software that enables anyone to utilize artificial intelligence without needing to understand complex programming.

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How no-code, reusable AI will bridge the AI divide

In a recently published article in InfoWorld, our esteemed CEO Dr. Michelle Zhou addressed the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology and discussed a breakthrough that could be a major game-changer across industries - the advent of No-Code Reusable AI. This article provides a profound perspective and insight into the future of AI. Today, we're going to dissect and delve into the key points of the discussion.

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4 Must-Haves for Universities When Considering a Chatbot

Companies around the world are constantly evaluating how to best reach and/or serve their customers, exploring ways to better connect with customers, while always keeping a keen eye on the resources needed to do so.  Higher education is no different. It too needs to cut through the clutter and create a connection with potential students, and continue to build the relationship even after those students are part of their university environment.

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Juji Featured in EDSCOOP: AI Chatbot Maker Juji Jumps into Higher Education

EDSCOOP, the leading media featuring latest information technology for higher education, published a story about Juji and Juji's cognitive AI assistants for the higher education sector.

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Search Engine Journal Podcast: How Cognitive Intelligence will Reshape Chatbots

In his podcast, Brent Csutoras at Search Engine Journal had a conversation with Dr. Michelle Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Juji on how cognitive intelligence will reshape the chatbot industry.

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Where is the Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Detecting the Invisible AI that Makes a Chatbot Smart

A while back, I wrote a blog on "Chatbot Tsunami", mentioning that our world is now inundated with chatbots, including both "good ones" that can help us fulfill our requests and "bad ones" that can hardly understand users or achieve anything.

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Chatbot Tsunami: The Good & Bad

The widespread use of cell phones and social media has made text-based communication, also known as texting, a mainstream communication method. For example, a Gallup polls hows that texting is the dominant communication method for Americans under 50. Popular text messaging platforms, such as Facebook Messenger and WeChat, all boasted over 1 billion active users monthly.

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