Jie Lu

A computer scientist specialized in applying cognitive AI, graph analytics, behavioral analytics, and machine learning to business applications.

Transforming Academic Advising with AI Technology

In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, academic advising stands as a critical component in fostering student success. However, advisors often face numerous challenges, from managing large caseloads to providing personalized support. This blog delves into the transformative potential of AI in this domain. Below we first discuss three key challenges in academic advising and how AI can provide innovative solutions. Then we offer a practical guide on applying the NACADA Academic Advising Core Competencies Model to building effective AI Advising Assistants. Join us as we uncover how AI can revolutionize academic advising, making it more efficient, personalized, and impactful for students and advisors alike.

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User-Centric Best Practices of Conversational AI Design

Although powerful large language models (LLMs) like GPT can power a chatbot with abilities to interpret and generate response to user input, they do not really teach the chatbot how to carry out an effective and pleasant dialog with a user. Additionally, AI is far from perfect and there are always cases where AI cannot handle or handles wrong. Hence the role of a conversational AI designer is critical as they put their wisdom and creativity into an AI chatbot and ensure effective dialogs between AI and its users.

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How to Select a Chatbot Platform Powered by Generative AI

Are you considering an AI chatbot for your business? A simple Google search will present you with hundreds if not thousands of AI chatbot platforms! Almost all of them claim that they are powered by generative AI and all seem to offer similar features, giving the first impression that any of them would do the job.

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Do You Really Need an AI Chatbot? Use These 3 Questions to Decide

With generative AI becoming a hot topic (again), CXOs started adding AI projects, especially implementing an AI chatbot like ChatGPT for business, on their to-do list. While a chatbot powered by generative AI may be a game-changer for business, investing in a chatbot is not cheap nor trivial. So it is worth asking first: does your business really need an AI chatbot? We suggest that business leaders answer the 3 questions below to quickly determine whether it is worth investing in a chatbot for a line of business.

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5 Design Tips for Conversational AI Designers to Make a Proactive AI Agent

Recently, we have heard more people, especially top technology experts, talk about creating "proactive" AI agents with agentic workflows (e.g. see a recent video by Andrew Ng). Designing a proactive AI agent requires skills. In this article, we present 5 design tips for conversational AI designers to make effective proactive AI agents. In each design tip, we use concrete examples to explain the desired AI agent behavior and show the corresponding Juji features you can use to enable such a behavior.

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