Where is the Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Detecting the Invisible AI that Makes a Chatbot Smart

A while back, I wrote a blog on "Chatbot Tsunami", mentioning that our world is now inundated with chatbots, including both "good ones" that can help us fulfill our requests and "bad ones" that can hardly understand users or achieve anything.

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How to Design Chatbots for Better Customer Service: Handling Unknown User Questions

One of the most intuitive uses of chatbots is perhaps to automate customer service, where a chatbot automatically answers user questions, 24x7. In fact, in almost every chatbot application, a chatbot's ability to answer user questions, especially free-text questions, is always desirable.

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Chatbot as a Career Counselor? What do Students Think?

Students have difficulty receiving career advice due to the low advisor-to-student ratio. I know that's true for me. Sometimes I would forgot to make an appointment with a counselor, dropped-in, and waited an hour to see one. Other times I avoided the office entirely because I knew appointments were full. How could such issues be solved? Maybe it's possible to create a chatbot that could act as a career counselor.

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How to teach your chatbot to answer complex user questions

If you are creating a chatbot to automate customer support and handle customer questions, you could do so easily on Juji by preparing a question-answer (Q&A) list and uploading the list to enable free-text Q&A instantly.

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DIY Your First AI Chatbot: If You Can Use PowerPoint, You Can Build an AI Chatbot

Gartner predicts that 80% of business applications will have a chatbot by 2021.

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Juji Offers Free Chatbot Services to Healthcare Institutions

During this difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organizations and medical institutions are inundated with requests and demands from the general public. As an AI chatbot company based in Silicon Valley, Juji would like to lend them a helping hand. We are currently offering our chatbot services free-of-charge to these institutions.

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This Is How We Revamped the UI in Less Than a Month

We all know that user interface (UI) development is an iterative process. It is important that we can iterate quickly based on user feedbacks. At Juji, we have been constantly searching for solutions that enable faster iterations for our Juji Studio product. Around the end of last year, we did a major revamp of Juji Studio UI. By all accounts, this change made a huge difference in term of usability of Juji Studio. More importantly, we can now iterate much faster than previously possible. What's more, we did the wholesale changes in less than one month! Here is how we did it.

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Three Big Ideas Behind the Surprising Power and Ease of Use of Juji Platform

When people first use Juji, they are often amazed by how easy it is to create an intelligent chatbot with the platform. This reaction of pleasant surprise is particularly pronounced for people in the know, i.e. technical people who have actually done relevant work before. I am talking about the CTOs, the NLP researchers, and the employees of big technology firms.

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Chatbot Tsunami: The Good & Bad

The widespread use of cell phones and social media has made text-based communication, also known as texting, a mainstream communication method. For example, a Gallup polls hows that texting is the dominant communication method for Americans under 50. Popular text messaging platforms, such as Facebook Messenger and WeChat, all boasted over 1 billion active users monthly.

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