Helping online students succeed in their learning journey is a top goal for many educational institutions. However, universities have limited resources of delivering deeply personalized mentoring and guidance to each student. This cognitive AI chatbot is meant to augment mentors and instructors to get to know each student, understanding their motivations and challenges, answering their questions, inferring their unique psychographic characteristics, and using the insights to best help each student succeed at scale.
Click on the avatar to experience how a Juji cognitive AI chatbot engages with a student. Even better, any learning professional can rapidly set up and manage such an AI assistant customized to their programs with #NOCODE or no IT required.
Caution: Most of this AI chatbot is automatically generated by AI with little human effort for demo purpose only. So some of the chatbot responses may be inaccurately generated. If you see a response with "#" at the end, it means that the chatbot understands your question but does not have the answer yet.